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Colin Jonov

The Love-Based Athlete: A Playbook for Winning

Competition is often fueled by emotions like anger, frustration, and envy. We see it in professional sports, business, and even everyday life. We’re taught that in order to win, we have to hate our opponents and be willing to do whatever it takes to come out on top. But what if there was a better way? What if we could compete out of love instead of hate? In this post, we’ll explore how competing with love can be a game changer, and when it’s appropriate to use hate as a motivator without letting it consume us.

Competing out of love means focusing on the positive aspects of competition, such as the joy of the sport, the thrill of the challenge, and the opportunity to grow and improve. When we compete out of love, we’re not trying to beat our opponents just for the sake of winning. We’re trying to be our best selves, to push our limits, and to achieve our own personal goals. We’re not driven by hate or a desire to tear others down, but rather by a genuine love for the game and a desire to be the best version of ourselves.

One of the key benefits of competing out of love is that it allows us to stay grounded and focused on what’s truly important. When we’re driven by hate or negative emotions, we can become distracted by things that don’t really matter, like proving someone wrong or getting revenge. When we do those things, we are giving other people control over us. We make it about them instead of us. But when we compete out of love, we’re able to stay focused on our own goals and the things that truly matter to us.

However, there are times when hate can be a powerful motivator, as long as we don’t let it consume us. For example, if we’ve suffered a tough loss or setback, we may feel angry or frustrated. In these moments, it’s okay to use that anger as motivation to work harder, to train more, or to improve our skills. But it’s important to remember that hate should never be our primary motivation for competing. It’s a short-term solution that can quickly lead to burnout, resentment, and a lack of fulfillment.

So, how do we know when to use hate as a motivator and when to focus on love? The answer lies in our mindset. If we’re competing out of hate, our focus is on tearing others down and proving ourselves superior then we’re looking for external validation and affirmation, and we’re driven by the desire to be better than others. On the other hand, if we’re competing out of love, our focus is on personal growth, self-improvement, and the joy of the game. We’re driven by internal motivation and a desire to be the best version of ourselves.

In order to compete out of love, it’s important to cultivate a growth mindset. This means seeing challenges as opportunities for growth, embracing failure as a chance to learn, and focusing on the journey rather than just the destination. When we have a growth mindset, we’re not afraid of failure or setbacks. We see them as natural parts of the process, and we use them as opportunities to learn, grow, and improve.

Choosing to compete out of love also means letting go of our ego and our attachment to winning. When we’re driven by hate or negative emotions, we’re often more concerned with how we look to others than with our own personal growth and development. But when we choose to compete out of love, we’re able to let go of our ego and focus on the things that truly matter, like personal growth, self-improvement, and the joy of the game.

Competing out of love is a powerful way to approach competition. By focusing on personal growth, self-improvement, and the joy of the game, we’re able to stay grounded and focused on what’s truly important. While there may be times when we can use hate as a motivator, it’s important to never let it consume us. Instead, we should use it as a tool to push ourselves harder, but always with the intention of improving, not tearing down.

The key is to find a balance between love and hate in competition. By choosing to compete out of love, we’re able to cultivate a mindset of positivity, gratitude, and resilience, which can help us develop fortitude and lead a fulfilling life both on and off the field. So, the next time you step onto the court or field, remember to compete with love in your heart and watch as your performance and mindset take off to levels you never thought possible.

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